Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Greatest Hero: 1

Subhash Chandra Bose, one of most prolific and vibrant freedom fighter of India, man behind the famous Indian National Army (I.N.A). He gave to the nation the Salutation and slogan of “Jai Hind”. His slogan "Jai Hind" still acts as a great binding force of the nation. "Patriot of Patriots", this is what Mahatma Gandhi described of our Bose.

"You give me blood, and I give you Independence" – famous words of my greatest hero. These words hold same or more value now, in the present day India. Non-violence proved to be the better strategy against the British but it is not the same now. British, even though being our worst enemies, had a face but modern-day criminals - yes, our corrupt netas and babus - have no face. They hide behind some good words like government, law, democracy and oppress and tyrannize people.

Does anyone still believe that non-violence struggle can be used against them and this will actually help in restoring people’s rights? Not me!

Netaji, as Bose is fondly remembered forever, wanted unconditional and complete freedom. He dreamt of a classless society with no caste barriers, social inequalities and religious intolerance. He believed in equal distribution of wealth and destruction of communalism. Isn’t this the need of today?

In early 1940, Netaji Bose in his rare but very inspiring speech asks Indian students to emulate the example of youth in Russia, France and Italy to take part in freedom struggle and serve their country. Bose call was well responded immediately but remains history and unanswered now. Participation of students and youths in the politics to deliver India from clutches of corrupt politicians is very essential. If this does not happen, birth of naxals and strengthening of their ideologies to deliver India from corruption and misgovernance becomes inevitable.

Long live Bose's legacy!


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